Funny things about me!

“The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.”– Henry Ford

Trip ko lng po tong anggulo! 😅😋

Hi! Human. I’m jerome Cortez but you can call me jm for short, 20 year’s of age. From Gonzaga, Cagayan. Motto in life is “Do my best, so that i can’t blame myself fo anything.”

As you know, I’m not the typical boy-next-door and love to embrace and celebrate that here on my blog and just in my daily life. Yes, I can be a bit quirky, weird and awkward sometimes but that’s just how I roll. To show you guys that nobody is perfect I’m sharing 5 weird facts about me.

Besides this I’m asking you guys to do the same! What makes you a bit weird, quirky or awkward? And let’s face it. We’re all kind of weird. From the little quirks, to the strange obsessions we have  – we all do things that are, well…a bit out of the ordinary. That makes us all so unique!

1.Sleepy head – I can literally sleep all day long. I love to be active but the next thing I think about is when I can lay down and take a nap.
3.Put on the music / When I get obsessed with a song, I’ll play it on repeat non-stop untill I stop liking it.
3. Snacks battle Whenever there are desired snacks on a table it always feels like a battle to get enough of them. Love food!
4. Making a poem- minsan gumagawa ako ng poem para mapasaya ko lang ang aking sarili.
5.My favorite movie:
My all-time favorite is When Harry Met Sally. I just love the story of two people who hated each other in the beginning eventually forming a friendship that lasted years and years before ultimately ending up together. Call me a hopeless romantic, but it just pulls at my heartstrings. Add in the awesome comedy, and I was hooked!

Ikaw anong funny things ang nagawa mo?

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